Updating videos
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We're now listing videos for administrators, but it would be nice if -
administrators could also -
update these videos. Let's work on that. First, let's add a new column for -
actions. -
Inside this column, we're going to add an inline list with one item. That's -
going to be a link -
to an edit screen. We'll link to our existing admin videos edit route. We'll -
also need to -
pass the current videos of priority. If we refresh the page, we'll now see that -
we've got an -
actions column in the table and edit buttons next to each video. If we click -
the edit button for -
a video, we'll just get a blank screen because we're actually fleshed out the -
controller action -
for updating videos. Let's work on that. Open up your video controller class. -
And in the edit action, -
we're going to return a view. It's going to be admin videos edit. We're going -
to pass -
the video that is injected via root model binding. Let's create this view. -
We'll crop the index, paste that, -
update the title, and we'll get rid of the table and pagination links. -
We now need to add a form to this page to allow the user to choose the video's -
name and description. -
When we install Breeze, I created a profile route that includes the forms to -
update your profile -
and password. So we can grab one of these forms and get the form styling in the -
buttons. -
Open up your profile edit view. You'll see that these three sections are -
actually partials. -
So we need to open one of these partials. -
And this is the form for the profile information form seen here. -
We can grab the contents of this file and paste them into our edit page. -
Let's update some of the content. -
We can remove this file. -
And change the email input to description. -
For the name input, set order complete to off. If we lift it, its name, that -
will try -
an order complete the input's value as a person's name. -
We now have two text inputs for name and description. Our other description is -
going to hold more -
long form content. So let's change this to a text area instead. Create a new -
component, -
call a text area.blade.php. Open text input.verb.php, copy the contents, -
paste it into our new text area component, and replace input with text area. We -
also need to -
close the tag. And the value needs to be passed in between the tags. -
Set it to an empty string as default. -
We can also declare the value prop up here. Back in our edit form, we can -
change our text input -
component to be an instance of our new text area component instead. We can also -
remove the type -
attribute. Let's also add some rows. We'll set rows to 5 by default so that the -
user has plenty -
of space to input the description for the video. We now need to make that form -
actually do something -
when we submit it. If we look at our edit form, we see that it's got action -
attribute and we set -
the value to the admin videos update root. So let's open our video controller. -
And let's start flushing our update method. -
I like to follow various conventions when building applications in Laravel. -
One is to stick to resource controllers like we have done so far. Another is to -
use form requests -
for validation. So let's create a new form request for updating videos. In the -
terminal, -
create a new request. I'm going to put in an admin videos namespace just so it -
follows our -
controller namespace. Back in the video controller, replace the rejected -
request instance with the -
instance of our new update video request. Import the class. If we open the -
class, we'll see that it has -
two methods, authorize and rules. Authorize is actually optional in form -
requests. So we can just get -
rid of that entirely. The rules method, however, is going to return an array of -
rules that we want -
to use to validate our request. So we're passing two fields, a name and a -
description. We want both -
of these fields to be required. We're also expecting string values of both -
fields. Let's declare that. -
We should also set the maximum length of the name input to be 255 characters. -
That's because in the -
database, it's the text input and 255 characters is the maximum it can hold. -
Description is a text type -
column, which can hold much longer values. Back in the controller, we can now -
update the video -
injected via root model binding with the values we've just validated in the -
request. -
We can also return back to the edit form. We can also indicate that the video -
was updated. -
If we refresh our videos listing, then click the edit link next to one of the -
videos. -
Change the name of the video. I click the save button. We should see a saved -
message like we would -
if we updated our profile. If we go back to the videos index, we can see that -
the name is updated. -
In the next video, we'll create a component to toggle the publish and status of -
a video, -
so we can actually publish and un-publish videos.