Installing Laravel with Sail
Transcript was automatically generated and may be inaccurate.
There are a number of ways to install Laravel, though a quick and easy way is -
to create a -
new project via the Composer command line utility, some more robust methods -
like using -
sale at Dockerbase solution. -
As I'm working on a brand new machine, I'm going to go with sale. -
Before working with sale, be sure to install Docker. -
The easiest way to do this is by using Docker Desktop on macOS. -
So if you don't have Docker installed on your machine, pause this video and go -
do that before -
continuing. -
Back on the Laravel docs, if we go to the get and start with the macOS section, -
we -
see this command here for creating a new Laravel up on the command line. -
Before running this however, I want to go back to the top and I want to go to -
choosing -
your sales services section. -
Here it shows you all the different services you can install using sale. -
Our needs are pretty minimal, so we're going to choose MySQL for the database -
and mail -
pit to be able to preview any email sent by our application. -
So our final command looks like this. -
I've chosen a project named LaraFlix, I've added Maya, Square, and Mail Pit as -
services. -
I've also changed directory into a sites directory on my computer. -
This is personal preference and you're free to create the project in whichever -
directory -
you usually do. -
Run the command. -
Once the command is complete, run these two commands. -
We should be able to go to a local host in the browser and see the Laravel bulk -
and -
page. -
And there we have it. -
We've created a new Laravel project and we're serving it using Laravel sale. -