Listening for Mux webhooks
Transcript was automatically generated and may be inaccurate.
We've made our video upload form a little more interactive, but our Video -
models won't -
be getting updated in the database. -
We added two columns to our Video model, "upload_status" and "mux_status". -
So we need to update these some how. -
To achieve this, we'll use webhooks. -
Webhooks is when another service pings your application with some data that the -
application -
can then respond to. -
Mux is no different. -
Mux can notify us when an upload has errored or succeeded, and also when a -
related asset -
is ready or if that too errored. -
Webhooks at their simplest, are just POST requests sent from another server to your -
application. -
So we can create a controller to handle webhooks sent to us from Mux. -
Create a MuxWwebhookController. -
The controller only has one purpose, so we can make it invokable. -
Add the new controller to our routes. -
Finally open the class. -
When you make a controller invokable, it creates a controller which has this -
single "__invoke" method. -
Mux will send webhooks as JSON requests, so we can just pass the webhook event -
data -
by passing the request body. -
When we json_decode the data, if we specify "true" as the second argument, -
that'll decode -
the data as an associative array, no matter if the data is an array or an -
object. -
This makes working with decoded data from JSON payloads a bit easier. -
So now, what events are we receiving and what does the data actually look like? -
At this point, Mux can't actually send any data to us, because our Sail -
environment -
is not accessible on the Internet, so Mux will be able to deliver any events to -
our -
application. -
Luckily, Sail has a handy "share" command that allows us to create a temporary -
tunnel and -
make our Sale-hosted website accessible on the Internet. -
Copy this command. -
Run it in the terminal window. -
And if we click the public HTTP address, we should see our website in the browser. -
This is our Sail-hosted website, but it's now available via a public URL. -
We can now add our webhook URL to Mux. -
Go to your Mux dashboard. -
Go to "Settings". -
Go to "Webhooks". -
Click the "Create new webhook" button, leave the environment as default. -
Paste your "sail share" URL. -
And add "/mux/webhook" to the end. -
Click the green "Create webhook" button. -
Now, any time you createm update, or delete a Mux resource, we should get a -
corresponding -
webhook sent to us to our application. -
We can test this by just logging anything Mux sends to us. -
Back in the MuxWebhookController class, simply log the payload. -
We'll also need to disable CSRF protection for this route. -
Open up your VerifyCsrfToken middleware and add an exception for our Mux -
webhook URL. -
In a new terminal window, if we tail our Laravel log file, we should see the -
contents of any -
webhooks event sent to us when we perform an operation, such as uploading a file -
. -
I've just uploaded a file, so let's see what events we actually received. -
The first event we received was video.upload.create. -
This is created when we created upload URL. -
Next, we received a video.asset.created event. -
This is sent when an asset is being created off the back of an upload, so we -
can assume -
the upload is completed at this point. -
Next, we received video.upload.asset_created. -
This is dispatched when an asset is created off the back of an upload. -
Finally, we received video.asset.ready. -
This is sent when Mux has finished processing file and the file is ready for -
streaming. -
We received this event pretty shortly after uploading, as we only created test -
assets -
that were limited to 10 seconds in length, so don't require much processing. -
This event will arrive much later after uploading upload if you upload and -
files that are much -
longer in duration. -
Using these events, we can update the upload and the Mux status of our videos. -
What we'll do is, set the "upload_status" to "complete" when we receive a -
video.asset.created -
event. -
We'll also use the video ID as a "passthrough" parameter to find the -
corresponding video, -
and also set its "mux_asset_id" and "mux_playback_id" attributes. -
We'll then update the "mux_status" to "ready" when we receive the video.asset.ready -
event. -
Whilst we didn't observe this event coming in, we'll also need to handle video -
asset -
error events. -
These are sent when processing of a video fails, so we'll later update the -
video's "mux_status" -
accordingly. -
If we look at a webhook payload, we can see that the event type is declared -
under the -
"type" key. -
We can use a PHP match statement to handle the different events we want to -
handle. -
First let's start with the "video.asset.created" event. -
We'll create a protected "handleVideoAssetCreated" method. -
And call this when the event is received, passing through the payload as a -
parameter. -
Do the same for "video.asset.ready", and "video.asset.errored". -
In our video.asset.created method, we now need to fetch the video by its ID and -
update -
it. -
We have the "passthrough" value and use Laravel "Str::afterLast" helper to get -
the ID. -
Now let's retrieve the model. -
And update its statuses. -
Set the "upload_status" to "complete". -
The "mux_status" to the status in the payload. -
And we can also set the "mux_asset_id" and "mux_playback_id". -
Let's also update the "mux_status" appropriately in our video.asset.ready and -
video.asset.error -
handler methods. -
In our ready callback, we can also set the video duration from the duration -
value that -
comes back in the payload. -
Now when we upload files, we should see the statuses of the video being updated -
in the -
database. -
When the video is ready, we should also see the duration being set.