Videos administration listing
Transcript was automatically generated and may be inaccurate.
So far we can upload videos to Mux and have Mux process these videos, but we -
can't actually -
see the videos and their details unless we look in the database. -
Let's create a more user-friendly admin panel to list and manage videos. -
The first thing we want to do is list videos. -
Open up the VideoController class, in its index method, we're going to fetch -
all videos -
in a paginated list. -
We'll then pass the paginated list to a new view. -
We'll call this view "admin_videos_index". -
Create this view "index.blade.php". -
We'll copy the contents of the "create" view. -
Change the title. -
Instead our form, we will instead iterate over the videos getting passed to the view. -
If we go to the browser we should see the name of the videos in the database. -
At the minute we only have one. -
We can get a better list by using our factories to generate some random videos. -
Run "sail tinker". -
And we can use our video factory to create some random videos. -
Here we'll use our video factory to create 30 random videos. -
If we refresh the page, we'll now see a lot more video titles, however we'll -
only see -
15 at a time. -
Let's add some pagination to our view. -
We've now got pagination but we need some margin between the actual card and -
the pagination -
itself. -
That's better. -
This list of videos isn't very appealing, so let's change it into a table. -
We now have the videos listed in the table, but again we'll need to add some -
styles to -
make it look a bit prettier. -
That's better. -
Now we've a list the videos, styled in the table, and pagination links. -
In the next video we'll build upon this to our screens to edit and delete -
videos as well -
as publish and un-publish them.