Only allowing subscribed customers to watch videos
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We now have videos on our website, we now have customers able to subscribe, but -
without -
a subscription, customers can still watch videos without paying, so let's remedy -
that. -
If we head back to the Cashier docs, we can see there's a section called -
"Checking Subscription Status". -
We can see from the code sample it says that we can use a "subscribed" method on -
a User -
model instance to determine whether a user subscribed or not. -
The first argument is the name of the product. -
We left this as "default", so we can even omit that argument and just use $user->subscribed -
The Cashier docs suggest using middleware, but we don't want to completely block -
users -
who aren't subscribed. -
We still want guests and non-subscribers to be able to see the videos' details. -
We just don't want them to be able to watch the actual video without an active -
subscription. -
Therefore, we're going to do the subscribed check in the view. -
We can make use of a policy here, as we're checking access for the authenticated user -
against -
a model. -
Let's create a VideoPolicy class. -
Open up the auth service provider file, and add a mapping for our Video model -
and -
now a new VideoPolicy class. -
Open up the VideoPolicy class, copy the "view" method, paste it, and rename it to -
"watch". -
Inside this method, we can just check if the user is currently subscribed. -
Open up your videos show view, and we can use the @can directive to check if -
the user -
is authenticated and able to watch the video. -
We'll wrap the mux-player tag in the @can directive. -
For users who do not have permission to watch the video, let's just show the -
thumbnail -
with a message saying they need to be subscribed to watch. -
We can also add a link to subscribe. -
If we open a private browsing window, we should now see the thumbnail with a -
message saying -
that user needs to be subscribed, and a link to subscribe. -
So now we have videos locked behind a paywall where only paying subscribers -
can watch. -
In the next lesson, we'll look at how we can track activity in our videos using -
Mux Data.